Punctuation and Missing Words is a gamified system for accumulating points by accumulating letters from the names of different countries in the world and is designed for iOS and Android terminals. It aims to encourage and promote the Basque language, which is why it will be a game created entirely in Basque. We need to guide a small character who grows up as he eats books and letters across the screen, and as soon as we pile up the letters of the name of our country in order, we must avoid evil snakes until the name of the country is complete. If we complete the name of the country, we can see and hear an explanation sheet related to that country, we can move on to the next screen, but if we do not achieve our goal (for example, against a nasty snake), we will have to start from scratch.In this game we will find screens with different levels of difficulty and we will get more points as we make up the names of more countries.In addition to the name of each country and the text of the explanation sheet, we will be able to listen to the audio that will allow us to receive small explanations about the countries that will appear in the game.